


Exploring the frontiers of


through science
At ki:elements, we are committed to advancing healthcare and clinical research through scientific innovation. Harnessing our cutting edge technologies, we collaborate with leading researchers, companies and institutions to achieve this goal.


Over 50 publications in leading journals
Over 30 studies & more than 12,000 patients
4 speech biomarkers & 8 therapeutic areas


Pioneering studies in



Identifying People with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis through an Automatic Dysarthria Score Across Multiple Languages

Benefits of Automated Speech Analysis in Psychiatry

The voice of depression: speech features as biomarkers for major depressive disorder

Automatic Measure of Speech Intelligibility as a Meaningful Digital Biomarker for Patients with Motor Speech Disorders

Memory features obtained through automated phone calls associate to the intensity of subjective cognitive decline in cognitively unimpaired individuals

Automatic Screening for CDR Stages in the Swedish H70 Birth Cohort Using a Digital Speech Biomarker for Cognition SB-C

Screening for Cognitive Impairment across Four Different European Dementia Cohorts Using an Automatic Digital Cognitive Assessment

Estimating the benefits of pre-screening Alzheimer’s trials using blood-based biomarkers and digital cognitive assessments

Assessing neuropsychiatric symptoms through speech analysis in early dementia patients

Automated remote speech-based testing of individuals with cognitive decline: Bayesian agreement of transcription accuracy

Detecting impulsivity through speech in patients with Parkinson’s Disease: A principle proof study

The ki: SB-M intelligibility score — An automatic measure for intelligibility in motor speech disorders

Speech biomarkers for dysarthria in Parkinson’s Disease — Clinical validation across two languages

Speech pauses: biomarkers for differentiating depressed patients from healthy controls

Two-minute automated speech analysis: comparable performance to Beck Depression Inventory-II in distinguishing depressed and healthy individuals

Automated speech analysis for fatigue detection in multiple sclerosis

Automatic multilingual analysis of semantic verbal fluency for dementia screening in Swahili and English: a feasibility study

User Experience of a (Semi-) Automated Cognitive Phone-Based Assessment Within a Memory Clinic Population

Detecting Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis through Automatic Speech Analysis

Identification of underlying AD pathology in cognitively unimpaired individuals with subjective cognitive decline by the means of automated speech and language processing

Associations between speech-based biomarkers of cognition and traditional neuropsychological assessments in a preclinical AD cohort

Screening for Cognitive Impairment across Four Different European Dementia Cohorts Using an Automatic Digital Cognitive Assessment

Automatic Screening for CDR Stages in the Swedish H70 Birth Cohort Using a Digital Speech Biomarker for Cognition SB-C

Memory features obtained through automated phone calls associate to the intensity of subjective cognitive decline in cognitively unimpaired individuals

Estimating the benefits of pre-screening Alzheimer’s trials using blood-based biomarkers and digital cognitive assessments

Assessing neuropsychiatric symptoms through speech analysis in early dementia patients

Automated remote speech-based testing of individuals with cognitive decline: Bayesian agreement of transcription accuracy

Automated speech analysis for fatigue detection in multiple sclerosis

Automatic multilingual analysis of semantic verbal fluency for dementia screening in Swahili and English: a feasibility study

User Experience of a (Semi-) Automated Cognitive Phone-Based Assessment Within a Memory Clinic Population

Identification of underlying AD pathology in cognitively unimpaired individuals with subjective cognitive decline by the means of automated speech and language processing

Associations between speech-based biomarkers of cognition and traditional neuropsychological assessments in a preclinical AD cohort

Novel digital speech biomarker for early detection of Alzheimer’s Disease

Modern scores for traditional tests – Review of the diagnostic potential of scores derived from word list learning tests in mild cognitive impairment and early Alzheimer’s Disease

Cross-lingual examination of language features and cognitive scores from free speech

Speech-based digital biomarkers for Alzheimer’s research

Usability of phone-based cognitive assessments for developing a digital speech-based biomarker for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease

Distinct acoustic speech profiles differentiating AD and PD from a reading passage in Spanish

Pause-related speech biomarkers measure cognitive impairment in MS

Optimizing Diagnostic Efficiency: Trade-Off Analysis of RAVLT Trials in Discriminating Mild and Subjective Cognitive Impairment

Automatic Detection of Cheating Behavior on Remotely Conducted Word List Learning Tests Using Speech Analysis

The Reliability and Clinical Validation of Automatically-Derived Verbal Memory Features of the Verbal Learning Test in Early Diagnostics of Cognitive Impairment

Linguistic features identify MS-related early cognitive impairment in narrative speech

Validating an automatic phone-based speech biomarker measuring cognition SB-C against PACC5 and MoCA in the Swedish H70 epidemiological cohort

Dissociating memory and executive function impairment through temporal features in a word list verbal learning task

Validation of an Automated Speech Analysis of Cognitive Tasks within a Semiautomated Phone Assessment

PROSA—a multicenter prospective observational study to develop low-burden digital speech biomarkers in ALS and FTD

Association of Speech and Language features with Biomarkers in Early Stage Alzheimer patients

Screening for Mild Cognitive Impairment Using a Machine Learning Classifier and the Remote Speech Biomarker for Cognition: Evidence from Two Clinically Relevant Cohorts

The Accuracy of Speech and Linguistic Analysis in Early Diagnostics of Neurocognitive Disorders in a Memory Clinic Setting

Screening over Speech in Unselected Populations for Clinical Trials in AD (PROSPECT-AD): Study Design and Protocol

Dementia vs Depression: new methods for differential diagnosis using automatic speech analysis

Screening for MCI in the Swedish H70 Birth Cohort Study using digital automatic speech biomarker tests for cognition and a machine Learning classifier

Pre-Screening Prodromal AD Trial Populations over the Telephone Using a Speech Biomarker for Cognition — Preliminary Results from AUTONOMY Phase 2 AD Trial Recruitment

Multimodal MRI cerebral correlates of verbal fluency switching and its impairment in women with depression

ki:elements publishes new validation results on remote speech biomarker for cognition (SB-C) in early Alzheimer’s disease

Validation of the Remote Automated ki:e Speech Biomarker for Cognition in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Verification and Validation following DiME V3 Framework

Dementia vs. Depression: new methods for differential diagnosis using automatic speech analysis

Validation of the ki:e SB-C: a Novel Digital Speech Biomarker for Cognition in a Dutch Memory Clinic Population

Screening for MCI in the Swedish H70 Birth Cohort Study using digital automatic speech biomarker tests for cognition and a machine Learning classifier

Generating Synthetic Clinical Speech Data through Simulated ASR Deletion Error

Remote data collection speech analysis and prediction of the identification of Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers in people at risk for Alzheimer’s disease dementia: the Speech on the Phone Assessment (SPeAk) prospective observational study protocol

Artificial Intelligence empowered recruitment for clinical trials

Remote cognitive assessment of older adults in rural areas by telemedicine and automatic speech and video analysis

Automated speech analysis for detection of cognitive and emotional changes

Validation ki:e SB-C

Validation of a digital, tablet‐based version of the Trail Making Test in the ∆elta platform

PROSPECT-AD: Population-based screening over speech for clinical trials in AD

Measuring neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with early cognitive decline using speech analysis

ki:e SB-C

Multilingual Learning for Mild Cognitive Impairment Screening from a Clinical Speech Task

Benefits of Automated Speech Analysis in Psychiatry

The voice of depression: speech features as biomarkers for major depressive disorder

Assessing neuropsychiatric symptoms through speech analysis in early dementia patients

Speech pauses: biomarkers for differentiating depressed patients from healthy controls

Two-minute automated speech analysis: comparable performance to Beck Depression Inventory-II in distinguishing depressed and healthy individuals

Automatically extracted linguistic features of MADRS clinical interview are associated with depression severity

Speech biomarkers modelling depression severity

Predicting Depression Severity from Spontaneous Speech as Prompted by a Virtual Agent

Detecting subtle signs of depression with automated speech analysis in a non-clinical sample

Dementia vs Depression: new methods for differential diagnosis using automatic speech analysis

Multimodal MRI cerebral correlates of verbal fluency switching and its impairment in women with depression

Dementia vs. Depression: new methods for differential diagnosis using automatic speech analysis

Automated speech analysis for detection of cognitive and emotional changes

Measuring Stress in Health Professionals Over the Phone Using Automatic Speech Analysis During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Observational Pilot Study

Use of automated speech analysis and facial emotion measurements on videos to assess the effects of relaxation devices: a pilot study

Identifying People with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis through an Automatic Dysarthria Score Across Multiple Languages

Automatic Measure of Speech Intelligibility as a Meaningful Digital Biomarker for Patients with Motor Speech Disorders

Detecting impulsivity through speech in patients with Parkinson’s Disease: A principle proof study

The ki: SB-M intelligibility score — An automatic measure for intelligibility in motor speech disorders

Speech biomarkers for dysarthria in Parkinson’s Disease — Clinical validation across two languages

Automated speech analysis for fatigue detection in multiple sclerosis

Detecting Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis through Automatic Speech Analysis

An automatic measure for speech intelligibility in dysarthrias – Validation across multiple languages and neurological disorders

Acoustic speech features from a picture description task measure bulbar symptoms in ALS

Speech biomarkers for dysarthria in Parkinson’s Disease — Clinical validation across Spanish and Czech languages

Low-burden digital speech biomarkers for early diagnosis and prognosis in Parkinson’s Disease: study design and protocol

Using acoustic speech biomarkers to detect isolated REM sleep behavior disorder

Building and evaluating a speech biomarker from 2-seconds sustained phonation to detect and monitor Parkinson’s disease

PROSA—a multicenter prospective observational study to develop low-burden digital speech biomarkers in ALS and FTD

PROSA—a multicenter prospective observational study to develop low-burden digital speech biomarkers in ALS and FTD

Identifying People with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis through an Automatic Dysarthria Score Across Multiple Languages

Benefits of Automated Speech Analysis in Psychiatry

The voice of depression: speech features as biomarkers for major depressive disorder

Automatic Measure of Speech Intelligibility as a Meaningful Digital Biomarker for Patients with Motor Speech Disorders

Memory features obtained through automated phone calls associate to the intensity of subjective cognitive decline in cognitively unimpaired individuals

Automatic Screening for CDR Stages in the Swedish H70 Birth Cohort Using a Digital Speech Biomarker for Cognition SB-C

Screening for Cognitive Impairment across Four Different European Dementia Cohorts Using an Automatic Digital Cognitive Assessment

Estimating the benefits of pre-screening Alzheimer’s trials using blood-based biomarkers and digital cognitive assessments

Assessing neuropsychiatric symptoms through speech analysis in early dementia patients

Automated remote speech-based testing of individuals with cognitive decline: Bayesian agreement of transcription accuracy

Detecting impulsivity through speech in patients with Parkinson’s Disease: A principle proof study

The ki: SB-M intelligibility score — An automatic measure for intelligibility in motor speech disorders

Speech biomarkers for dysarthria in Parkinson’s Disease — Clinical validation across two languages

Speech pauses: biomarkers for differentiating depressed patients from healthy controls

Two-minute automated speech analysis: comparable performance to Beck Depression Inventory-II in distinguishing depressed and healthy individuals

Automated speech analysis for fatigue detection in multiple sclerosis

Automatic multilingual analysis of semantic verbal fluency for dementia screening in Swahili and English: a feasibility study

User Experience of a (Semi-) Automated Cognitive Phone-Based Assessment Within a Memory Clinic Population

Detecting Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis through Automatic Speech Analysis

Identification of underlying AD pathology in cognitively unimpaired individuals with subjective cognitive decline by the means of automated speech and language processing

Associations between speech-based biomarkers of cognition and traditional neuropsychological assessments in a preclinical AD cohort

Screening for Cognitive Impairment across Four Different European Dementia Cohorts Using an Automatic Digital Cognitive Assessment

Automatic Screening for CDR Stages in the Swedish H70 Birth Cohort Using a Digital Speech Biomarker for Cognition SB-C

Estimating the benefits of pre-screening Alzheimer’s trials using blood-based biomarkers and digital cognitive assessments

Assessing neuropsychiatric symptoms through speech analysis in early dementia patients

Automated remote speech-based testing of individuals with cognitive decline: Bayesian agreement of transcription accuracy

Automatic multilingual analysis of semantic verbal fluency for dementia screening in Swahili and English: a feasibility study

Identification of underlying AD pathology in cognitively unimpaired individuals with subjective cognitive decline by the means of automated speech and language processing

Associations between speech-based biomarkers of cognition and traditional neuropsychological assessments in a preclinical AD cohort

Novel digital speech biomarker for early detection of Alzheimer’s Disease

Modern scores for traditional tests – Review of the diagnostic potential of scores derived from word list learning tests in mild cognitive impairment and early Alzheimer’s Disease

Cross-lingual examination of language features and cognitive scores from free speech

Speech-based digital biomarkers for Alzheimer’s research

Usability of phone-based cognitive assessments for developing a digital speech-based biomarker for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease

Distinct acoustic speech profiles differentiating AD and PD from a reading passage in Spanish

Optimizing Diagnostic Efficiency: Trade-Off Analysis of RAVLT Trials in Discriminating Mild and Subjective Cognitive Impairment

Automatic Detection of Cheating Behavior on Remotely Conducted Word List Learning Tests Using Speech Analysis

The Reliability and Clinical Validation of Automatically-Derived Verbal Memory Features of the Verbal Learning Test in Early Diagnostics of Cognitive Impairment

Validating an automatic phone-based speech biomarker measuring cognition SB-C against PACC5 and MoCA in the Swedish H70 epidemiological cohort

Dissociating memory and executive function impairment through temporal features in a word list verbal learning task

Association of Speech and Language features with Biomarkers in Early Stage Alzheimer patients

Screening for Mild Cognitive Impairment Using a Machine Learning Classifier and the Remote Speech Biomarker for Cognition: Evidence from Two Clinically Relevant Cohorts

Screening over Speech in Unselected Populations for Clinical Trials in AD (PROSPECT-AD): Study Design and Protocol

Dementia vs Depression: new methods for differential diagnosis using automatic speech analysis

Screening for MCI in the Swedish H70 Birth Cohort Study using digital automatic speech biomarker tests for cognition and a machine Learning classifier

Pre-Screening Prodromal AD Trial Populations over the Telephone Using a Speech Biomarker for Cognition — Preliminary Results from AUTONOMY Phase 2 AD Trial Recruitment

ki:elements publishes new validation results on remote speech biomarker for cognition (SB-C) in early Alzheimer’s disease

Dementia vs. Depression: new methods for differential diagnosis using automatic speech analysis

Validation of the ki:e SB-C: a Novel Digital Speech Biomarker for Cognition in a Dutch Memory Clinic Population

Screening for MCI in the Swedish H70 Birth Cohort Study using digital automatic speech biomarker tests for cognition and a machine Learning classifier

Generating Synthetic Clinical Speech Data through Simulated ASR Deletion Error

Remote data collection speech analysis and prediction of the identification of Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers in people at risk for Alzheimer’s disease dementia: the Speech on the Phone Assessment (SPeAk) prospective observational study protocol

Artificial Intelligence empowered recruitment for clinical trials

Remote cognitive assessment of older adults in rural areas by telemedicine and automatic speech and video analysis

Automated speech analysis for detection of cognitive and emotional changes

Validation ki:e SB-C

PROSPECT-AD: Population-based screening over speech for clinical trials in AD

ki:e SB-C

Remote cognitive assessment of older adults in rural areas by telemedicine and automatic speech and video analysis: protocol for a cross-over feasibility study

Automated speech analysis for detection of cognitive and emotional changes

Remote Cognitive Assessment of Older Adults in Rural Areas by Telemedicine and Automatic Speech & Video Analysis

Dissociating Semantic and Phonemic Search Strategies in the Phonemic Verbal Fluency Task in early Dementia

Language impairment in Alzheimer’s disease—robust and explainable evidence for AD-related deterioration of spontaneous speech through multilingual machine learning

What Difference Does It Make? Early Dementia Detection Using the Semantic and Phonemic Verbal Fluency Task

Automatic Data-Driven Approaches for Evaluating the Phonemic Verbal Fluency Task with Healthy Adults

Multilingual prediction of Alzheimer’s disease through domain adaptation and concept-based language modeling

Exploitation vs. exploration—computational temporal and semantic analysis explains semantic verbal fluency impairment in Alzheimer’s disease

Telephone-Based Dementia Screening I: Automated Semantic Verbal Fluency Assessment

Language Modelling for the Clinical Semantic Verbal Fluency Task

Fully automatic speech-based analysis of the semantic verbal fluency task

Predicting dementia screening and staging scores from semantic verbal fluency performance

The voice of depression: speech features as biomarkers for major depressive disorder

Assessing neuropsychiatric symptoms through speech analysis in early dementia patients

Speech pauses: biomarkers for differentiating depressed patients from healthy controls

Two-minute automated speech analysis: comparable performance to Beck Depression Inventory-II in distinguishing depressed and healthy individuals

Automatically extracted linguistic features of MADRS clinical interview are associated with depression severity

Speech biomarkers modelling depression severity

Predicting Depression Severity from Spontaneous Speech as Prompted by a Virtual Agent

Detecting subtle signs of depression with automated speech analysis in a non-clinical sample

Dementia vs Depression: new methods for differential diagnosis using automatic speech analysis

Multimodal MRI cerebral correlates of verbal fluency switching and its impairment in women with depression

Dementia vs. Depression: new methods for differential diagnosis using automatic speech analysis

Measuring neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with early cognitive decline using speech analysis

Assessing neuropsychiatric symptoms through speech analysis in early dementia patients

Predicting Depression Severity from Spontaneous Speech as Prompted by a Virtual Agent

Detecting subtle signs of depression with automated speech analysis in a non-clinical sample

Measuring neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with early cognitive decline using speech analysis

Detecting apathy in older adults with cognitive disorders using automatic speech analysis

Screening for Cognitive Impairment across Four Different European Dementia Cohorts Using an Automatic Digital Cognitive Assessment

Automatic Screening for CDR Stages in the Swedish H70 Birth Cohort Using a Digital Speech Biomarker for Cognition SB-C

Memory features obtained through automated phone calls associate to the intensity of subjective cognitive decline in cognitively unimpaired individuals

Estimating the benefits of pre-screening Alzheimer’s trials using blood-based biomarkers and digital cognitive assessments

Assessing neuropsychiatric symptoms through speech analysis in early dementia patients

Automated remote speech-based testing of individuals with cognitive decline: Bayesian agreement of transcription accuracy

User Experience of a (Semi-) Automated Cognitive Phone-Based Assessment Within a Memory Clinic Population

Modern scores for traditional tests – Review of the diagnostic potential of scores derived from word list learning tests in mild cognitive impairment and early Alzheimer’s Disease

Optimizing Diagnostic Efficiency: Trade-Off Analysis of RAVLT Trials in Discriminating Mild and Subjective Cognitive Impairment

The Reliability and Clinical Validation of Automatically-Derived Verbal Memory Features of the Verbal Learning Test in Early Diagnostics of Cognitive Impairment

Validating an automatic phone-based speech biomarker measuring cognition SB-C against PACC5 and MoCA in the Swedish H70 epidemiological cohort

Dissociating memory and executive function impairment through temporal features in a word list verbal learning task

Validation of an Automated Speech Analysis of Cognitive Tasks within a Semiautomated Phone Assessment

Association of Speech and Language features with Biomarkers in Early Stage Alzheimer patients

Screening for Mild Cognitive Impairment Using a Machine Learning Classifier and the Remote Speech Biomarker for Cognition: Evidence from Two Clinically Relevant Cohorts

The Accuracy of Speech and Linguistic Analysis in Early Diagnostics of Neurocognitive Disorders in a Memory Clinic Setting

Dementia vs Depression: new methods for differential diagnosis using automatic speech analysis

Screening for MCI in the Swedish H70 Birth Cohort Study using digital automatic speech biomarker tests for cognition and a machine Learning classifier

Validation of the Remote Automated ki:e Speech Biomarker for Cognition in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Verification and Validation following DiME V3 Framework

Dementia vs. Depression: new methods for differential diagnosis using automatic speech analysis

Screening for MCI in the Swedish H70 Birth Cohort Study using digital automatic speech biomarker tests for cognition and a machine Learning classifier

Generating Synthetic Clinical Speech Data through Simulated ASR Deletion Error

Remote cognitive assessment of older adults in rural areas by telemedicine and automatic speech and video analysis

Automated speech analysis for detection of cognitive and emotional changes

Measuring neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with early cognitive decline using speech analysis

ki:e SB-C

Multilingual Learning for Mild Cognitive Impairment Screening from a Clinical Speech Task

Remote cognitive assessment of older adults in rural areas by telemedicine and automatic speech and video analysis: protocol for a cross-over feasibility study

Automated speech analysis for detection of cognitive and emotional changes

Remote Cognitive Assessment of Older Adults in Rural Areas by Telemedicine and Automatic Speech & Video Analysis

Patients with amnestic MCI fail to adapt executive control when repeatedly tested with semantic verbal fluency tasks

Dissociating Semantic and Phonemic Search Strategies in the Phonemic Verbal Fluency Task in early Dementia

Temporal Analysis of the Semantic Verbal Fluency Task in Persons with Subjective and Mild Cognitive Impairment

Multilingual prediction of Alzheimer’s disease through domain adaptation and concept-based language modeling

Exploitation vs. exploration—computational temporal and semantic analysis explains semantic verbal fluency impairment in Alzheimer’s disease

Fully automatic speech-based analysis of the semantic verbal fluency task

Using neural word embeddings in the analysis of the clinical semantic verbal fluency task

Automatic speech analysis for the assessment of patients with predementia and Alzheimer’s disease

Measuring Stress in Health Professionals Over the Phone Using Automatic Speech Analysis During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Observational Pilot Study

Use of automated speech analysis and facial emotion measurements on videos to assess the effects of relaxation devices: a pilot study

Automated speech analysis for fatigue detection in multiple sclerosis

Detecting Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis through Automatic Speech Analysis

Pause-related speech biomarkers measure cognitive impairment in MS

Linguistic features identify MS-related early cognitive impairment in narrative speech

Identifying People with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis through an Automatic Dysarthria Score Across Multiple Languages

The ki: SB-M intelligibility score — An automatic measure for intelligibility in motor speech disorders

An automatic measure for speech intelligibility in dysarthrias – Validation across multiple languages and neurological disorders

Acoustic speech features from a picture description task measure bulbar symptoms in ALS

PROSA—a multicenter prospective observational study to develop low-burden digital speech biomarkers in ALS and FTD

Automatic detection of language impairment in ALS

Automatic Measure of Speech Intelligibility as a Meaningful Digital Biomarker for Patients with Motor Speech Disorders

Detecting impulsivity through speech in patients with Parkinson’s Disease: A principle proof study

The ki: SB-M intelligibility score — An automatic measure for intelligibility in motor speech disorders

Speech biomarkers for dysarthria in Parkinson’s Disease — Clinical validation across two languages

An automatic measure for speech intelligibility in dysarthrias – Validation across multiple languages and neurological disorders

Speech biomarkers for dysarthria in Parkinson’s Disease — Clinical validation across Spanish and Czech languages

Low-burden digital speech biomarkers for early diagnosis and prognosis in Parkinson’s Disease: study design and protocol

Using acoustic speech biomarkers to detect isolated REM sleep behavior disorder

Distinct acoustic speech profiles differentiating AD and PD from a reading passage in Spanish

Building and evaluating a speech biomarker from 2-seconds sustained phonation to detect and monitor Parkinson’s disease

An automatic measure for speech intelligibility in dysarthrias – Validation across multiple languages and neurological disorders

Validation of a digital, tablet‐based version of the Trail Making Test in the ∆elta platform

Identifying People with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis through an Automatic Dysarthria Score Across Multiple Languages

Benefits of Automated Speech Analysis in Psychiatry

The voice of depression: speech features as biomarkers for major depressive disorder

Automatic Measure of Speech Intelligibility as a Meaningful Digital Biomarker for Patients with Motor Speech Disorders

Memory features obtained through automated phone calls associate to the intensity of subjective cognitive decline in cognitively unimpaired individuals

Automatic Screening for CDR Stages in the Swedish H70 Birth Cohort Using a Digital Speech Biomarker for Cognition SB-C

Screening for Cognitive Impairment across Four Different European Dementia Cohorts Using an Automatic Digital Cognitive Assessment

Estimating the benefits of pre-screening Alzheimer’s trials using blood-based biomarkers and digital cognitive assessments

Assessing neuropsychiatric symptoms through speech analysis in early dementia patients

Automated remote speech-based testing of individuals with cognitive decline: Bayesian agreement of transcription accuracy

Detecting impulsivity through speech in patients with Parkinson’s Disease: A principle proof study

The ki: SB-M intelligibility score — An automatic measure for intelligibility in motor speech disorders

Speech biomarkers for dysarthria in Parkinson’s Disease — Clinical validation across two languages

Speech pauses: biomarkers for differentiating depressed patients from healthy controls

Two-minute automated speech analysis: comparable performance to Beck Depression Inventory-II in distinguishing depressed and healthy individuals

Automated speech analysis for fatigue detection in multiple sclerosis

Automatic multilingual analysis of semantic verbal fluency for dementia screening in Swahili and English: a feasibility study

User Experience of a (Semi-) Automated Cognitive Phone-Based Assessment Within a Memory Clinic Population

Detecting Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis through Automatic Speech Analysis

Identification of underlying AD pathology in cognitively unimpaired individuals with subjective cognitive decline by the means of automated speech and language processing

Associations between speech-based biomarkers of cognition and traditional neuropsychological assessments in a preclinical AD cohort

The voice of depression: speech features as biomarkers for major depressive disorder

Automated remote speech-based testing of individuals with cognitive decline: Bayesian agreement of transcription accuracy

User Experience of a (Semi-) Automated Cognitive Phone-Based Assessment Within a Memory Clinic Population

Detecting Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis through Automatic Speech Analysis

An automatic measure for speech intelligibility in dysarthrias – Validation across multiple languages and neurological disorders

Modern scores for traditional tests – Review of the diagnostic potential of scores derived from word list learning tests in mild cognitive impairment and early Alzheimer’s Disease

Cross-lingual examination of language features and cognitive scores from free speech

Speech biomarkers for dysarthria in Parkinson’s Disease — Clinical validation across Spanish and Czech languages

Speech-based digital biomarkers for Alzheimer’s research

The Reliability and Clinical Validation of Automatically-Derived Verbal Memory Features of the Verbal Learning Test in Early Diagnostics of Cognitive Impairment

Dissociating memory and executive function impairment through temporal features in a word list verbal learning task

Validation of an Automated Speech Analysis of Cognitive Tasks within a Semiautomated Phone Assessment

PROSA—a multicenter prospective observational study to develop low-burden digital speech biomarkers in ALS and FTD

Predicting Depression Severity from Spontaneous Speech as Prompted by a Virtual Agent

Screening for Mild Cognitive Impairment Using a Machine Learning Classifier and the Remote Speech Biomarker for Cognition: Evidence from Two Clinically Relevant Cohorts

The Accuracy of Speech and Linguistic Analysis in Early Diagnostics of Neurocognitive Disorders in a Memory Clinic Setting

Screening over Speech in Unselected Populations for Clinical Trials in AD (PROSPECT-AD): Study Design and Protocol

Detecting subtle signs of depression with automated speech analysis in a non-clinical sample

Dementia vs Depression: new methods for differential diagnosis using automatic speech analysis

Screening for MCI in the Swedish H70 Birth Cohort Study using digital automatic speech biomarker tests for cognition and a machine Learning classifier

Multimodal MRI cerebral correlates of verbal fluency switching and its impairment in women with depression

Validation of the Remote Automated ki:e Speech Biomarker for Cognition in Mild Cognitive Impairment: Verification and Validation following DiME V3 Framework

Generating Synthetic Clinical Speech Data through Simulated ASR Deletion Error

Remote data collection speech analysis and prediction of the identification of Alzheimer’s disease biomarkers in people at risk for Alzheimer’s disease dementia: the Speech on the Phone Assessment (SPeAk) prospective observational study protocol

Artificial Intelligence empowered recruitment for clinical trials

Remote cognitive assessment of older adults in rural areas by telemedicine and automatic speech and video analysis

Automated speech analysis for detection of cognitive and emotional changes

Validation of a digital, tablet‐based version of the Trail Making Test in the ∆elta platform

Measuring neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with early cognitive decline using speech analysis

Multilingual Learning for Mild Cognitive Impairment Screening from a Clinical Speech Task

Remote cognitive assessment of older adults in rural areas by telemedicine and automatic speech and video analysis: protocol for a cross-over feasibility study

Patients with amnestic MCI fail to adapt executive control when repeatedly tested with semantic verbal fluency tasks

Dissociating Semantic and Phonemic Search Strategies in the Phonemic Verbal Fluency Task in early Dementia

Language impairment in Alzheimer’s disease—robust and explainable evidence for AD-related deterioration of spontaneous speech through multilingual machine learning

Measuring Stress in Health Professionals Over the Phone Using Automatic Speech Analysis During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Observational Pilot Study

Use of automated speech analysis and facial emotion measurements on videos to assess the effects of relaxation devices: a pilot study